CMC Athlete of the Month, January 2021
The first CMC Athlete of the Month for 2021 got off to a great start upon joining CMC last December, only to get derailed by a case of COVID and subsequent bout with pneumonia. Since recovering, she has steadily climbed back to her previous level of fitness and then some. First, just walking. Then judiciously introducing running. Then some “welcome back” rides on Zwift, which evolved into more structured rides. The whole time, she stayed true to her regular routine of strength training, undoubtedly a big contributor to her quick rebound. By the end of January, she cranked out a 5 hour week of training that included almost 2 hours on the bike, over 2 hours of walking and running, and over a half an hour of functional strength work, capped off by an hour-plus run on the snowy trails of Harriman State Park. Clearly, nothing is going to prevent her from having a successful 2021! Please join me in congratulating the first CMC Athlete of the Month for 2021, Jackie Reuveni!
CMC Athletes of the Month, October 2020 (Part 2)
The CMC Athletes of the Month for October are a dynamic duo of runners who have done every single workout together with only a handful of exceptions since joining CMC in May. And I do mean every single workout! They are a picture of consistency, even moving their runs to the 5 a.m. shift once school started to keep their momentum rolling. Their original goal race was an October 13.1 in Princeton, but when that was canceled (surprise!), they pivoted to the now world famous “Marathon at My House” where they ran side by side (no surprise!) to a PR performance for one of them on a hilly, turny course. Please join me in congratulating CMC’s very own “dream team” and the second installment of the CMC Athletes of the Month for October 2020, Laura Durso and Ryan Soule!

CMC Athlete of the Month, October 2020 (Part 1)
CMC’s first Athlete of the Month for October personifies the idea of “relentless forward progress.” As if 2020 hasn’t been crazy enough, this Ironman finisher and mother of two college aged daughters has successfully navigated a comeback from a foot procedure, rehabbed a neck injury, and relocated to a new house down the shore while commuting to her job at Fleet Feet in Montclair. But rather than kick up her feet and relax, what did she choose to do? Her first ultramarathon, of course! Thanks to a steady buildup of weekend long rides and runs, daily physical therapy, and her indefatigable spirit, she crossed the finish line of her first 50k with a huge smile on her face. Please join me in congratulating the first of CMC’s October 2020 Athletes of the Month, Loren McCreesh!

CMC Athlete of the Month - May 2020
CMC’s May Athlete of the Month is not one to let race cancellations get in the way of her success. After several great results at NYRR races earlier this year, she took the many changes to her calendar in stride and never missed a beat with her training. A steady diet of “Fartlek Fridays” and hill repeats in the Heights section of Ridgewood had her primed for a huge result at the Popular Brooklyn Half, but when that race got scrapped, this wife and mother of four did what any runner would do: she designed her own half marathon course in and around her town and proceeded to drop a solo effort PR! If you’re looking for a picture of focus, dedication, and resilience, look no further than the CMC Athlete of the Month for May, Tracy Greenwald!

CMC Athlete of the Month - April 2020
CMC’s Athlete of the Month for April is one of our team’s real “O.G.’s.” She joined in May of last year with a newly acquired Master’s degree but an unsatisfying first race of the year due to the lack of available training hours. Once on board, she got right to work prepping for Atlantic City 70.3 and ended up crushing it in her first ever half Ironman. Fast forward to 2020 and neither her demanding job nor the many rainy days which happened to coincide with hill repeat day have stayed this athlete from the swift completion of many a green block on her TrainingPeaks calendar. In uncertain times, her improvement has been irrefutable... and her trusty dog Lucy couldn’t be prouder! Please join me in congratulating CMC’s Athlete of the Month for April 2020, Bernie Bracken!

CMC Athlete of the Month - March 2020
CMC’s March Athlete of the Month has mastered the art of finding the perfect balance. As an anesthesiologist, she spends her days dialing in the perfect dosage. When she gets home, she fills the prescription for nailing 140.6 training within the context of marriage and motherhood. Indeed, after a brief hospital stay for pneumonia in January, this athlete has added an eye-opening 24 points to her fitness metric in TrainingPeaks with a steady regimen of aerobic rides, improved efficiency in the pool, increased run mileage, and consistent strength training. Her “A” races of Eagleman and IM Maryland may be uncertain, but one thing’s for sure: the March CMC Athlete of the Month will have her Ph.D. in preparation. Please join me in congratulating Paras Zodiatis!

CMC Athlete of the Month - February 2020
The February CMC Athlete of the Month really goes that extra mile. No, literally... to keep his run streak alive, he runs a mile every Monday when most CMC athletes are enjoying their weekly “off” day. Wait a minute, what’s with all those orange blocks in his TrainingPeaks? Is he cutting corners on his strength training? Nope, he’s actually doing *more* than what was prescribed. Plus stretching. Plus sending out daily doses of positive energy on his social media. Plus being a devoted dad and a great husband. The only thing bigger than his personality are the huge improvements we’ll see in his race performances this year. CMC’s February Athlete of the Month is your friend and mine, Jerome Gist!

CMC Athlete of the Month - January 2020
The quintessential time-starved triathlete, no one squeezes more into a 24 hour day than Yale. He's up at 4 a.m. on weekdays getting his workout out of the way before hopping on a 6:18 a.m. bus to his law firm in Manhattan. Sack in on the weekends? Nope, you'll find Yale up before the sunrise running trails at Bear Mountain. He's also a husband and father of two teenagers. If anyone could make an excuse to miss a workout, it would be Yale, but his TrainingPeaks is nothing but green week in and week out (except when it's yellow due to a longer than prescribed ride or run!) Since joining CMC, Yale's fitness metrics have skyrocketed and he's decreased his pace per 100 yards in the pool by a whopping 30 seconds. Yale will be conquering his first 140.6 at IM Mont Tremblant this August. Congrats and kudos to the CMC Athlete of the Month for January, 2020, Yale Glazer!